Diet Changes In Adolescents

Adolescents sometimes try to do extreme dieting. This is not recommended because it can reduce the intake of nutrients that should be required in the adolescent growth, for example by the occurrence of vitamin deficiency. Continuous fasting is not the answer, because weight loss comes mostly from water loss from the body, so the body will feel weak.

Unhealthy diets cause many health risks. Joanne F. Dorgan, Ph.D., the study said that the diet in adolescent girls to reduce their sex hormone levels. Dietary changes can be accomplished by reducing the total calorie intake. Adolescents are advised to consume more fruits and vegetables, and limiting sugar and fat. If it is difficult to know the body needs calories, so teens can talk to your doctor or nutritionist.
Diet Changes In Adolescents Diet Changes In Adolescents Reviewed by Yayan Dharma on 5:21 PM Rating: 5

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