How to Cure Blackheads

Blackheads are formed due to the blockage of the pores of the face (nose) by sebum or excessive oil glands and hardens on the surface of the skin so it arising as spots of white (whitehead) or black (blackhead). The presence of blackheads on the face of disturbing our appearance, so it needs to be cleared at any time.

Various ways can be done to eliminate blackheads, go to the doctor might be the right choice because the doctor would know how to cure blackheads, but we can also cure blackheads without the need to see a doctor so the doctor's fee for treatment to be diverted to other things. Here are ways you can do to cure blackheads:
  1. Using the pore pack (plaster remover blackheads). Pore ​​pack can be purchased at the supermarket, use in accordance with instructions for use are wrapped. But sometimes this is not so effective to use because usually there are no blackheads come uprooted.
  2. Using a mask made from egg + honey. How: Beat eggwhite and honey together. then apply on face. Wait 20 -30 minutes until dry and then rinse your face with warm water.
  3. Using a mixture of baking soda. Baking soda can cure blackheads. The way is  mix baking soda with enough water. then the mixture of baking soda applied to the areas with blackheads, let stand about 20 minutes and then rinsed. This herb will absorb excess oil on the face, kills bacteria and cures stubborn blackheads.
  4. Using Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera can also be used to cure blackheads, take a gel (content) of the Aloe Vera and place in the area of blackheads. let stand for 20 minutes after that wipe clean with a warm towel watery.
    Hope can help you. Thank you for reading
How to Cure Blackheads How to Cure Blackheads Reviewed by Yayan Dharma on 7:38 AM Rating: 5

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