Egg Benefits for The Body

Eggs are one of the animal foods. Many people eat eggs because of the ease in processing and has many health benefits. Here are some health benefits of eating eggs:

  • Can Be a Source of Energy

If you need extra energy and practical, you can try to add an egg for breakfast. Egg yolk is considered effectively increase the body's energy.

  • Adding Stamina

If the egg yolk can increase the body's energy, then the egg whites also have a some benefits. The protein in egg white, or called albumin, can help the body absorb protein to build muscle.

  • Protecting Eyes

Eggs can protect the eyes from damage caused by exposure from ultraviolet light (UV). Lutein and zeaxanthin are two antioxidants found in egg yolk pigment may help prevent a decline in visual acuity due to aging.

  • Lose Weight

Eggs can be one of the diet for those who are on a diet. The protein contained in eggs can work as a natural hunger suppressant.

  • Improve Concentration

Eggs can improve your concentration because the protein in eggs can help increase levels of dopamine. Dopamine is an active substance that is useful to maintain the concentration.

  • Improve Memory

Choline in eggs could help developing memory and cognitive function, and also helps to sharpen memory or brain sharper memory and prevent dementia.

  • Make Satiety

Making full, so it is suitable eaten at breakfast.

  • Not Worsen Cholesterol

Eggs do contain some cholesterol. However, the cholesterol contained in the egg will not worsen your blood cholesterol levels. So, those of you who have high cholesterol levels safely consume eggs, because it does not increase the risk of heart disease
Egg Benefits for The Body Egg Benefits for The Body Reviewed by Yayan Dharma on 8:05 AM Rating: 5

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