Avoid and Overcome The Dangers of Tomcat

Lately, people were shocked by the attack of harmful insects. The insect is Tomcat, which is poisonous insects that usually live in mangrove areas. Tomcat is an insect that has high levels of toxins. Tomcat live in moist areas such as in fields, bushes, and trees.

Tomcat's poison is very dangerous when exposed to skin. Here are some characteristics of the affected skin by toxins from Tomcat:
  1. Outer skin itch that is not forever
  2. Redness of the skin arising
  3. Skin will appear blistered from the irritation caused by toxins paederin
We need to know these insects prefer to light, so that these insects are often found in the house or room. Here are some ways to attack Tomcat:
  1. If there is a Tomcat bug, do not hit or push the poison on the skin can Tomcat, you should carefully insert it into the plastic 
  2. Close the windows and door before turning on the lights because Tomcat attracted to light 
  3. Use a mesh screen when Tomcat is too much, so when we sleep Tomcat can not get to us. 
  4. Check the entire room of the house, if there is a Tomcat, you immediately spray with insecticides
If your skin has been exposed to toxins from Tomcat. Here are some ways to treat poison from Tomcat:
  1. When exposed to poison from Tomcat, you immediately rinse with soapy water so that toxins are attached to the skin is lost
  2. Do not scratch the skin is exposed to toxins before washing with soapy water because it can spread in other skin areas
  3. Use Hydrocortisone ointment (1%), Acyclovir ointment (5%), Betametasone ointment, antibiotic Neomycin Sulfate three times a day (must be in accordance with doctor's instructions)
  4. Go to the doctor to check for injuries from toxic Tomcat
Avoid and Overcome The Dangers of Tomcat Avoid and Overcome The Dangers of Tomcat Reviewed by Yayan Dharma on 8:13 PM Rating: 5

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