Slimming Teas

Tea has many benefits, including arthritis, tooth decay, prevent cancer, prevent stroke, etc.. But many women would know if the tea is a beverage that can lose weight. It is indeed true, scientists have also concluded that in the tea contains compounds that can absorb the fat in the body so that especially for women. Tea is one of the beneficial beverage for consumption.

Did you know that every type of tea has a different level of absorption of fat in the body. So for those of you who want to slim down, you can try the following types of tea to reduce your body fat:

1. Lawang Flower Tea
Tea mixed Lawang flower is best suited to absorb the fat in the body. Lawang flower is usually used as a traditional beverage was very useful when combined with the tea. Lawang flower is a plant that originated in China.

2. Peppermint Tea
Maybe you rarely hear peppermint tea, this tea made ​​from peppermint leaves. Peppermint tea is useful as facilitating digestion and burning calories.
For how to make peppermint tea, you simply take one tablespoon of peppermint leaves and mix it with green tea leaves. Add hot water into a cup, add sugar or honey if necessary.

3. Green Tea
Green tea is often we meet and we consume. Green tea was very good for the body's metabolism and also good for weight loss. In fact according to studies, green tea can burn calories in the body as much as 70 calories a day.
The process made ​​it very easy, just soak into a cup of green tea leaves with hot water about 2 to 3 minutes. Then drink regularly to get the desired results.

4. Tea Rose
Tea blended with rose petals is include the oldest among the other teas. Tea roses are able to beautify the skin and cleanse the toxins in the body. Besides tea roses to prevent constipation and absorbing fats well.
How to make tea roses are put into a cup of hot water. Wait a moment until fragrant smell out of the cup. Add honey or sugar for the sweetener.
Slimming Teas Slimming Teas Reviewed by Yayan Dharma on 8:23 AM Rating: 5

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