Physical activity / exercise can help you lose weight, because it can burn more calories. The number of calories burned depends on the frequency, duration, and intensity of exercise performed. In addition to weight loss, exercise can also be beneficial to our brains. Daniel Landers, professor of physical education of the Amazon State University, reveals that there are five benefits of exercise for our brains:
- Improve concentration, creativity and mental health. This is because exercise can increase the amount of oxygen in the blood and accelerates the flow of blood to the brain.
- Help delay the aging process.
- Improve self-confidence.
- Reduce stress. Exercise can increase the heart's ability to cope with stress more quickly. For people who suffer from mild depression and moderate exercise at least 16 weeks can cause side effects similar to antidepressants swallow.
- Hormone to increase endurance. Exercise can increase endurance, although done in a short but intense.
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